You will have less money to busy mandatory health insurance too, because the cost will be subsidized with increases in your tax dollars. And I'd bet anything that, like with our public schools, the money will be funding inefficiencies and bureaucracies instead of adding value.
How anyone can be for nationalized health care is frightening. I think a lot of people need to go back to economics class.
Well until the glorious day comes when the medical industry decides to give away medicine and perform procedures for free, we all need health insurance. I don't know how you pay for a trip to the Emergency Room, but most of us cannot afford the intial $500 to ride in an ambulance and then the additional costs we incur to be treated. Health insurance is they way we have set up our health care and yes the government shouldn't force us, but what is the other option?
I can't stop laughing at Democrats who think that the elected Democrats actually care about the "working man".
I openly mock those individuals for their stupidity when I meet them.
If Democrats are for the "working man" why are they trying to pass a law that will only benefit Insurance companies?
I at least have some respect for the Democrat voters who vote based on their Abortion or Sexual Pervert beliefs since those are really the only two parts of the Democrat platform that isn't completely bogus... they really do like to murder children and have gay sex.
You're right...we shouldn't have to buy health insurance if we cannot afford it. It should be Medicare for all just like Kucinich said.
With mortgage insurance and homeowners insurance, the mortgage company is the one that requires it. If your house is paid for, you would be required to have them. As for car insurance and possible health insurance, if you get sick or in a car wreck and you don't have insurance any expenses created by them that you are unable to pay the government pays. If for example you get hurt in a car wreck and have no insurance to pay the medical bills instead of paying for you to get better they just put in some room to either day or recover by self thann requiring insurance to pay for the expense would not be required.
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