I am not talking about the odd donation here and there. I donate but I am sure I could donate more by sacrificing my car, buy cheaper/ less food, not go out, not buy clothes, or gifts etc. So why don't I? Why do we carry on as if nothing has happened on the other side of the world where there are people trapped in earthquakes and cyclones?
Aplogies to those who have been offened by my question and those who who really are not in the position to give.
We aren't really constantly reminded of what happened. Sure, we hear it on the news every morning.
But then we have to go to work, or to school, or wherever else. And other, more present, issues take up our time and push that issue out.
My guess would be when you donate, its generally right after one of the news channels told you where; and you did it immediately. Most people do it that way, because the issue is fresh in their minds right then and they do feel bad.
But we do have our own lives to live as well. If we dwelt on every bad thing that went down in the world, we'd never stop being depressed. If people dwelt on it all the time, we'd probably all be suicidal. There are just too many bad things in this world.
Kind of the reason for religion. It is to provide a hope for the future and a reason to fight for today. Too bad really that it has been used instead to grow the power of the few at the expense of the many.
I know where you are coming from - I feel just the same BUT if you put yourself out of pocket by donating then its you then who is worse off. I dont donate simple because i cannot afford to - in my own words "at the moment charity begins at home". If i can only afford to buy cheap products for myself and my family, I cant afford to donate aid that might not even reach its destination.
I dont have anything I cant afford and that includes donations. If and when I have the money I will consider donating.
i think awful as it is you have to keep it in perspective there is no point in making yourself destitute and being over whelmed, my theory is it is better to give something than nothing, i am not going to tie myself in knots and realistically i cant help everyone. It sounds like you already give to me that is enough. and it certainly is not an offensive question :)
Lack of empathy, an unconscious (or conscious) feeling of superiority and entitlement toward people in developing nations, but mostly...laziness.
Why else do you think sloth is included in the seven deadly sins?
Doesn't directly effect you and it's happening so far away that you don't want to put in the effort to help.
Is it not a simple case of me first and others second.
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