There are a ton of such organizations out there now that make it easy for income eligible citizens to own cars. They do this by making it advantageous for folks to donate their used cars for an appropriate tax write-off. The cars are then serviced, if necessary and sold to those who might otherwise not be able to own a car. Some charities actually GIVE the cars away, others charge a nominal fee. Not knowing where you are, I can't really say what your options are (assuming that you're looking FOR a car and not to DONATE a car -- i apologize if I'm wrong in that assumption) so you might want to googling for an organization in your area (I'm sure there are plenty!)
Good luck to you.
Thanks. I have 3 cars and no longer use a minivan w/approx 125k tires (5k) nice a/c all leather. I wish to make sure that I get full donated value. middlemen make money on auctions,any good charities in mind that will give it to a family in need.
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