What is a typical donation for a free car wash?

I say $10, it is only right to pay a fair wage for work done

i would say $5 to $10.....

Five dollars is typical.

depends on the size of you vehicle, if you have a VW bug or a SUV... I think $5.00 is a good middle amount, but if larger go up... if you bring in your Semi-truck, $50.00 ... at least.


I think $5 for a mid sized car, more it you have truck or an suv

Depends on quality, but $5-10 unless it's just lousy.

Depends on how much you support the cause. $5 - $10

Donation as is for a cause?

Then 5, 8 or so dollars. Also depends where you are at. Are you in a bigger town, or a small town? Are the majority of people well off or most just average?

If it's just free for fun....then a buck or two for a tip.

I do not know what that would be and am not really concerned.. I pay only a dollar IF it is done right.. I made a mistake the last tme and gave the person $1 but later I noticed that the washing job ws NOT good and was sorry that I tipped $1

6 dollars if they do a really good job.

Personally, I wouldn't give them a dime, free is free ;-)


$5.77 - $7.36 is fair.


$5-10, depending on how much you have on you and what the car wash is for, although your affiliation with one group or another is all personal preference.

$10 for school car washes esp if there are tons of cute girls in tight outfits.

5 dollars.

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