This is a wonderful program but don't concern yourself with the amount of money you're able to donate. I think a $2 - $5 donation is more than enough. If you are unable to donate $2 - $5, then see if you can donate your time. Maybe filling some papers, making coffee, etc. If you are unable to do that, then give away some the baby clothes that you aren't using anymore to a different charity. It's all about what's in your heart.
The fact that this subject concerns you, makes you a better example of humanity, than most.
Too often, we see people wanting everything for free and when they get it, they show little or no appreciation. Being a parent is the most important thing in the world, and taking good care of and protecting that child is a duty than none should take lightly, and here, again, you shine! You are doing something that most parents probably don't, you are having your seat inspected to ensure your child's safety.
In my opinion, a donation of approximately 10% of the cost of the seat being inspected, would be appropriate. In your case,
I would say, not to worry about a donation, bake some cookies, maybe, to express your appreciation and simply say "thank you". You would be surprised at how rarely they are thanked for the service they provide, not only for checking car seats, but for the job they do everyday...
Then, tell every parent you know about the seat inspection service they provide, be their advertisement.
Anyone can give money, but, sincere appreciation and respect is worth so much more...
Let you conscience be your guild. Give what your heart tells you. That is what it means to donate.
Give only what you can afford. Don't put yourself out for it, many of the car seats are donated. I don't know what your financial situation is but I would probably give 5 or 10 dollars. The point is to make sure that your precious cargo is protected. Go get it checked :)
God Bless!!
You're Local Fire station will do it for free and give you a certified copy of approval. GOOD LUCK!!
I also had my baby's car seat inspected for proper installation and I donated to the trust fund $10.00 bucks and they seemed very appreciative.
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