Is it legal to setup an online account for donations for a personal car?

I fell asleep behind the wheel on a country road, and woke up when my car went flying throught the air (Drove through the ditch) I lost a wheel and completly desrtoyed my '98 Malibu.

Is it legal to make a website with pay pal to take donations from random strangers? Could donors still make a tax write off?

You can take the donations.

The donors can NOT write it off on their taxes (you are not a registered charity)

You will have to report the income on your taxes.

yes it's tax write off unless you are a legitimate non-profit org.

It's legal as long as you state exactly what it is for and where the money is going. No tax deductions however since you are not a charitable organization.

Oh come on now. That's nothing. I owned a business and one of my employees went in on a Sunday when we were closed and stole everything in the business. The police said there was no crime committed and refused to go after him (the cops in this town are lazy as hell). I'm out thousands of dollars and it wasn't my fault.

Now, who is more deserving, you or me?

It is not illegal, but they can't take a tax write off because you are NOT a non-profit organization. Why would random strangers want to give you money?

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