How to avoid the scam when I donate a car to charity? How to find a real charity orgnization that accepts car?

I want to donate a car. I heard that some used car dealers take car donations and make profits from it. They donate only a small fraction of what they get to charity, and keep the big chunk. How to avoid them, and donate to a real charity orgnization?

Goodwill and the Kidney Foundation accepts cars as donations.

The former uses proceeds from sale to help make disadvantaged (displaced workers, physically-challenged) more self-sufficient through such ways as job training/placement programs. The latter helps those who need kidney dialysis and to fund kidney research. It's admirable what you want to do.

If you do not check a company before entering into a transaction, you could lose your money, time and credibility. Some widely used resources are the Better Business Bureau ( and the national fraud center ( these days, you can easily find out more about a company using the internet in a few minutes. From a company's website, you can details about its ownership, how old the company really is and feedback from the company's customers.

You can find more detailed information about a company at

May i suggest you go to Guide Dogs for the Blind (or your local equivalent).

They would be delighted to accept such an donation, and could really do with the funds.

In the UK its:


if you want to be genourus give it to me i live in wyoming and the winter w/out a car is pretty hard also have kids to transport

Give it to a needy family instead.

The kidney foundation does, gives you a write off on taxes...Good Luck...

Depending on your area there are organizations that help needy families in our area its called Love, Inc. they are really good about getting the car to the right person and they dont make a dime... Im sure there are lots of Katrina victims out there needing transportation call the local red cross and have them point you in the right direction.

I think that's what that Mother Waddles is for.

It's a good and legitimate question. There are a few online services, one of which I'll post below, that is a guide to legitimate charities. There is also a guide that rates each charity's ability to use the donated money wisely. In other words, some have to use money for alot of overhead costs, and other charities are more efficient. All this is researchable.

Try this for example:

dear sir i just read you queation and i just posted a question before i read this we are katrina victims and we lost our car in the storm we had 6 ft of water in our home and car in new orleans we are in mississippi now but after the storm we bought a ford car and we were haveing trouble we put it in the ford dealership got it out and 2 weeks later it blew the motor my husband does work and want to work but we live in a rural area so the nearest job is 11 miles awaywe dont know anyone here so we cant do what we need too.we think someone is burning a black candle under us we are good people .but our luck:we have none god bless just for reading this ty im robin

Salvation Army or Goodwill takes donation

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