I am sure all of you have heard of these car donation places where you donate your car for a tax write off.?

Anyone know of someone who was given a car by any of these companies? And how would you go about trying to help someone who is in need get a car from one of them?

I do know someone who received one of these cars. He was a recovering heroin user, with 2 kids and was beginning some college courses to help himself. He needed transportation to get to classes. I believe the car was actually given through a local church group, though he was not a member. Call your local Salvation Army or St. Vincent Depaul centers. and one of them should be able to help you with the information you seek.

I brough a car, once use car lot, found out its from the kidney fondation,donated old car but only had 34,000 miles paint faded storage away,guese that way their go.

I gave mine to "Songs of Life", you donate your car, pick a song, they play it on the radio, and donate the money from your car to a sick child, I never picked the song, it does'nt matter, I'm doing this with all of my used cars from now on, I HATE childhood disease more than ANYTHING else in the world, nobody should be cut down in the dawn of life, it's NOT fair !

That isn't how it works.

They get the car as a donation to help their own charity cause. Unless their specific cause is "cars for people who don't want to buy their own cars", the can't just give them away. They resell/auction them off and the cash is used for things like kidney care, kids' cancer centers, or retraining people to reenter the workplace.

You might want to check into where their resale lots are. I've actually bought two vehicles from Goodwill, and the one turned out to be a wonderful car that cost only a few hundred and lasted me through college.

My dad donated a van to one place to get the tax write-off.

I think the companies who get the cars fix them up and sell them in order to get the cash. I've also seen the Salvation Army sell a few cars locally. I would recommend just calling one of the places up.

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