My friend wants to donate a car to another friend but wants a tax write off? How does he go about doing this ?

So he donates a car to another friend or stranger HE doesn't want to donate to a charity but to another person. Can he still get a tax write off? If so what does he need to have ? Forms?Deeds?Receipt? What does the need to have to prove he gave the car free for donation to the other person so that he can get tax write off in VA

He can't. It has to be a non-profit organization to get a tax write-off.

That is known as a gift and it is not deductible. The tax code allows deductions for charitable contributions because congress wants to encourage charity, but congress doesn't care if you give a gift to a friend and so no tax deduction is allowed.

You can only get a deduction for charitable contributions to non-profit organizations, then it needs to be in "good" shape.

uh...the only way is if the person is a charitable org.


Otherwise all car transfer's would be "donations"

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