Is this a prefect example why illegal should get NY drivers license & will the pro amnstey make a Donation?

BREWSTER -- A Mt. Kisco man who was arrested by New York State Police this morning for allegedly speeding and driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol is an illegal immigrant, police said.

State Troopers Robert Lombardi and Christopher Esposito pulled over the car of Jose M. Arias, 25, around 2:10 a.m. this morning for allegedly driving 100 mph on Interstate 684 in North Salem, which has a posted speed limit of 65 mph.

Police say that Arias was under the influence of both drugs and alcohol and is an illegal immigrant. While attempting to put Arias in custody, police say he became combative and struck both officers. While being handcuffed, police allege Arias bit Lombardi on the left hand and forearm, causing bleeding. Lobardi was later treated and released from Putnam Hospital Center for lacerations and abrasions from the bite.

Arias was eventually restrained and taken into custody. Police say he has been charged with felony assault in the second degree, felony assault of a police officer, resisting arrest, DWI and other charges. He will be arraigned in the town of North Salem.

Republican State Rep. Russell Pearce said he was unaware of an e-mail sent by a supporter who used the shooting of Phoenix police Officer Nick Erfle to try to raise money for the lawmaker in a possible run for Congress.

Charlie Powell, an outspoken foe of illegal immigration, sent the e-mail last week to dozens of people.

"The City of Phoenix is a Sanctuary City for illegals and what thanks does it get?" the e-mail read, in part. "One of its policeman is killed by an illegal. One thing you can do to protect your family is to contribute money for the election of Russell Pearce who is the driving force to move the illegals out of our communities.The e-mail asks donors to send contributions to the same post office box Pearce lists on his exploratory committee's Web site, Powell could not be reached for comment.

On Sunday, Pearce said that Powell, a longtime friend, should not have used Erfle's death to make the point that illegal immigration is a problem that must be dealt with. Pearce said he found out about the e-mail from a Channel 3 (KTVK) reporter.

"Charlie Powell is a good patriot who thought he was doing something good about a bad policy," said Pearce, referring to a Phoenix policy that prohibits officers from telling federal immigration officials about most encounters with undocumented immigrants involving minor offenses, though police detectives partner with federal immigration officers to investigate smuggling crimes, home invasions, gangs and other violent activity.

"It's shameful that we would have policies that would harm and hurt police officers."

Oh wow, an illegal immigrant was speeding and got a DUI. So therefore we shouldn't give licenses to illegal immigrants.

Some guy from Chicago came to California and got a DUI. So maybe California should stop honoring Illinois licenses.

learn how spell

Right on. That's my biggest reason for regulating the borders. We know nothing about who these people are coming here. I don't care about the ones who are here for a better life. What I care about are the criminals, pedofiles, rapist, drug smugglers, etc. that come here. I am an American legal citizen, where the heck is my right to know who moves next door? Police offers aren't the only ones getting harmed, its everyone!!!

Having a license to drive Great>>Hope soon the Dem's will help enforce the laws & close the borders instead of fighting for the amnesty for the illegals>>

illegal means criminal.

when you invite criminals to your city you can only expect problems to occur.

Lametorg: more drive by shootings?


How would a driver's license change that?

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