Are there any organizations that accept donations of used childrens car seats?

it may be best to check with local hospitals in your area...also try goodwill

I doubt it.

There's no way to be sure that a car seat hasn't been involved in an accident. And also car seats "expire" (check your manual).

Lots of places will take donations of NEW car seats.

You could try posting an ad on, say, Craig's list. Someone might take it off your hands, especially if it's free.

Most people who know what they are talking about will tell you not to buy a used car-seat, cause the laws regaurding them change so fast and cause if they had been in a crash, they may not work.

I am not saying this is true, but because of this, it may he bard to donate them.

I baught my carseat at a infant's consingment shop.

maybe goodwill, salvation army, red cross

Goodwill, The Salvation Army, churches, non-profit thrift stores, check out your neighborhood phone book and newspaper to see other places that may accept the donation. Also, in the local newspaper, there might be a person who is looking for a car seat.

Red Cross, Goodwill, Salvation Army

the fire department might take them

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